Home > 3D, Environments > The sewer

The sewer

October 6th, 2010

My latest scene. This is a render from 3Ds Max with default scanline.
I made several textures from 256 to 2048px, with diffuse, normals and sometimes self-illumination or alpha.
Smoke, fire and water are juste planes with alphas.
I’m not really satisfied with the appearance of the lights, but it’s always a problem for me (and with default scanline it’s hard to get something realistic).

24 900 tris.

Edit : I tried a little (a lot) retouching with Photoshop…

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In : 3D, Environments
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  1. February 21st, 2011 at 16:45 | #1

    nice work dude….

  2. February 22nd, 2011 at 11:39 | #2

    Thank you very much !

  3. March 7th, 2012 at 16:27 | #3

    This looks really good! You did a nice job touching it up. You can see a more defined glow from the lights in the second photo.

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